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Med Sea Turtles

(App & Website)

Project type

UX Design for App & Website


Feb 2023


Case Study PDF


The following case study presents a project I worked on as an assignment for the course "Design a UX for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs", part of the "Google UX Design Professional Certificate" I recently completed.

The project consisted in designing an app and a website from conception to the creation of high-fidelity prototypes. In the following case study, I show the five phases of the UX Design process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test) that I followed to design the app and the website.

For my assignment, I had to design an app and a website focused on creating social good. Using a prompt generator, I chose to design an app and a website for an association whose focus is protecting endangered species.

"Med Sea Turtles is an Association for the conservation of marine turtles in the Mediterranean Region.
The association needs a tool to give users the opportunity to report sightings of injured animals or turtle nests."

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